Yehonathan Sharvit

Results 87 issues of Yehonathan Sharvit

Great lib Would be cool if you write an interactive doc for it ir a blog post like i did for texgen.js


It would be nice to add to the README a few words about what is considered a breaking change.

Interactive documentation using [codox klipse theme]( Here is the [result hosted on my github pages](

You might need to cleanup `project.clj`

Subpar is very cool! I've integrated `subpar` into klipse: take a look at Click on the icon on the top-left box to switch editing mode.

1. What would it take to support `:only-plugins` similar to `:only-deps` that would allow the inheritance of a subset of plugins? 2. Is that a good idea?

Could you deploy to clojars a version with the latest commit that makes `poppea` self-host compatible?

We need to find a way to make sure a code snippet is evaluated only after the previous ones are evaluated. It is required in order to be able to...