Vladimir Grichina

Results 59 issues of Vladimir Grichina

Currently different types in the library are in various stages of implementation completeness. NEAR uses 128-bit numbers internally, therefore we need following types fully implemented: - [ ] `u128` -...

Most Node.js services heavy in HTTP calls to same destination benefit a lot of having `keepAlive` on by default, e.g. we had to do it passing `agent` when using `node-fetch`:...

This is very handy when hidden views obscure visible views.

Either should give better error or just have `setFloat` handler method accept float as string.

Likely makes sense after native UTF-8 strings are implemented for AssemblyScript.

Use e.g. https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite

`src/account_multisig.ts` should be able to pass all the tests for normal accounts (+ it's own tests). We need to refactor `test/account.test.js`, `account.access_key.test.js`, `contract.test.js` to be able to re-run these tests...


We often don't have runtime checks for types "enforced" by TypeScript typings, see e.g. [https://github.com/near/near-api-js/pull/452/files/777229d6bfa9b27ee21f5409dd74a686645786d0#r527117530](https://github.com/near/near-api-js/pull/452/files/777229d6bfa9b27ee21f5409dd74a686645786d0#r527117530) We need to introduce easy way to do such checks at scale. There is also...

Sending this: ```json {"request": {"receiver_id": "bf3209f5dc7b133dcfdaeaa15d9f0dc2e52b9d67.lockup.near", "actions": [ {"type": "FunctionCall", "method_name": "terminate_vesting", "args": "eyJ2ZXN0aW5nX3NjaGVkdWxlX3dpdGhfc2FsdCI6eyJ2ZXN0aW5nX3NjaGVkdWxlIjp7InN0YXJ0X3RpbWVzdGFtcCI6IjE1Nzc5MTk2MDAwMDAwMDAwMDAiLCJjbGlmZl90aW1lc3RhbXAiOiIxNjA5NDU1NjAwMDAwMDAwMDAwIiwiZW5kX3RpbWVzdGFtcCI6IjE3MDQxNTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAifSwic2FsdCI6IjdiYzcwOWMyMjgwMTExOGI3NDNmYWUzODY2ZWRiNGRlYTE2MzBhOTdhYjljZDY3ZTk5MzQyOGI5NGEwZjM5N2EifX0=", "deposit": "0", "gas": "150000000000000"} ]}} ``` fails with message: `Ledger device: UNKNOWN_ERROR (0x6990)`, before singing UI...
