Verdi March

Results 24 issues of Verdi March

*Issue #, if available:* N/A *Description of changes:* An example on how to extend gloun-ts evaluator with additional metrics. The example script shows this is achievable by subclassing gluonts.evaluator.Evaluator. By...

*Issue #, if available:* N/A *Description of changes:* Processing Step may evaluate its `arguments` properties more than once, causing unwanted side-effects: the same code is uploaded many times, but only...

conda build breaks when the `description` in `meta.yaml` contains string `"package:"`. I encountered this issue when building module `versionfinder` with its skeleton generated from pypi. ``` #File meta.yaml: ... about:...


**Describe the bug** With mpi mode, all nodes report the same `SM_CURRENT_HOST` (which is the master's one). **To reproduce** Run an PyTorch estimator in mpi mode and more than one...

The `us-west-2` quick-launch fails to create a new cluster because of missing `iam:AttachRolePolicy` permission. The quick fix is to add that permission to the `ParallelClusterUserRole` from the `pcluster-manager-ParallelClusterApi` stack.


Hi, `-gpus-acct` does not on v0.20, but works on `development` branch. Would the maintainer consider to cut a new release for gpu accounting to work? Thank you.

Hi, I split train & inference logics into two separate entrypoint files. However, when create a model, the model always carries-over the train entrypoint, instead of using what's specified in...

Default sample data is `DATA = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "data/sample-data.csv"` which means to download the sample data to Python's `site-packages`. We should use a safer default; proposed to use "./data".

good first issue

Document how to quick-run the Streamlit app directly on a SageMaker notebook instance (without needing additional Lambda, API Gategay, and ECS instance).

good first issue

On start, Streamlit shows three charts very briefly (screenshot-01), then subsequently down to two charts only (screenshot-02). # Screenshot-01: three charts on start --- # Screenshot-02: two charts for the...
