I tried using following script for running benchmarks on buildkite pipline ``` using Pkg # Activate `benchmark` Pkg.activate("benchmark") Pkg.develop(path=".") # Add parent Project.toml to development env Pkg.instantiate() Pkg.precompile() #...
- In certain cases like when `Conda` is invloved, the `ensurecompiled` fails if Conda isn't built properly.
- `strict_version` helps to restrict the version bumps to exact `"= major.minor.patch"` . - This is useful when you depend on packages that don't always follow the semver and you...
- Fixes the package for Julia-1.8 and above - The Pkg#release-1.8 has dropped the function from PlatformEngines.jl - It "didn't do anything" even in release-1.7 (see [here]( - Perhaps this...
- While using this package inside docker, the initialization of sysimage failed as the permission was denied to create a access `@__DIR__/..` - So in such cases creating a global_prefix...
- Update relevant docs. - Add tests for `--project=--temp` and `JULIA_PROJECT="--temp"`. This makes it convenient to start and run Julia in a temporary environment. This brings `Pkg.activate(; temp=true)` functionality to...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Parameters and variables arrays in `@mtkmodel` allows the length to be defined while defining the MTKModel. While doesn't allow user...
This fixes the bug in populating structure dict for defaults of conditional parameters ## Fixes: ```julia julia> a = true; @mtkmodel A begin @parameters begin if a b = 2,...