
Results 256 issues of vemv

For the following input: ```clj (def foo-routes [["/foos" {:get {:handler (fn [{{{:keys [archived]} :query} :parameters :keys [sub] :as req}] {:pre [sub]} (let [foo (reduce + (range 4))] {:status 200}))}}]]) ```...


Arity exceptions rarely deserve a stacktrace. Probably there's the nuance that if the arityexception happens right in the top-level of the evaluated form, it's compile-like; but if it happens somewhere...

As discussed in, the tests could be copied here, and then run in a CI matrix. Note that although clojure-mode uses circleci, I'd recommend GHA more, these days....

> I'm using CIDER 1.13.1 (Santiago) and log4j2 ([deps.edn]( and my CIDER session disconnected because it lost access to the network. Is there any way to get the repl buffer...

If I'm inspecting any key or value of `{1 :a 2 :b}`, ideally: * `:a` and `:b` would be siblings * `1` and `2` would be siblings

## Context When working with tests frequently, one can forget if a given test failed, succeeded, or if it was run at all. We have tech for 'fringe' indicators, i.e....

feature request
good first issue