
Results 256 issues of vemv

Pulling such an old Clojure version could influence other plugins, making them fail. This is reflected on . We could work around the issue but would appreciate the improvement...

Hi! I found out that when running e.g. `lein doo chrome-headless dev` (this is, 'auto' mode), when one touches a file, the test suite will be run again even though...

Hi! Same exact configuration and install procedure on OSX and Linux gives me different results: on Mac console.log is visible, but not on Linux, which makes things harder to debug....

Hey there, I use karma-chome-headless to perform integration tests. This is, I load the whole app and black-box test it, Selenium style. My setup for this is a bit hacky...

It can be hard to ensure `play*` never is running simultaneously from multiple threads (which would result in scrambled sound output). The following wouldn't work: ``` (while @*playing* (Thread/sleep default-sleep-duration))...

I have a `fix.clj` with the following contents: ``` (require '[dev.formatting.fix]) @(dev.formatting.fix/fix!) ``` Where `@` is used to wait on a future. `lein exec -p scripts/formatting/fix.clj` hangs forever. If I...

Formatting `[orchard.cljs.analysis :as a #?@(:cljs [:include-macros true])]` would currently throw. I might be able to give this one a shot soon-ish. Cheers - V

My cider-nrepl got stuck on a `refresh` op. A thread keeps working indefinitely. This is the stracktrace grabbed from yourkit Looks like we could bind some `*print-,,,` options somewhere.

It would be nice if links were parsed, nicely rendered and clickable, honoring commonly-used formats. Sample specimen:
