
Results 256 issues of vemv

> Fixes Just a draft for now, will be trying it out for a while in a real project, but any ideas welcome.

## Context From time to time, there are DSLs that escape Clojure's normal var system. For example: ```clj (with-foo ;; some DSL-based macro BAR BAZ ;; symbols that aren't backed...


Hey there! I'd need a hook for when one opens a file. Listener functions should be able to receive the filename as an argument. I'll try to give a shot...

Hey there, `lein with-profile +foo nrepl` won't use the profile's `:nrepl-port`. Thanks - Victor

A simple case: ``` (recur-defun* ¬ (&optional a b) (message (prin1-to-string (list a b))) (if (> a b) (recur (- a b) b) b)) (¬ 10 1) ; Inspecting the...

I had been mistakenly using the following: ```clj :responses {:200 {:body SomeMalliSchema} :500 {:body SomeOtherSchema}} ``` Where the mistake was using `:200` instead of `200`. To make matters more confusing,...

- Strengthen `cider-ns--present-error` - `cider-ns--present-error`: prefer `end-of-sexp` - One has to use structural movements in order to present the overlay without errors. - By using this finer-grained function, it's more...

My overall intent is the possibility to have the `*cider-inspect*` buffer permanently on a background frame. cider-eval would have that frame's cider-inspect buffer re-rendered, _without switching to it_, given that...

> Fixes Seems to work nicely (per the nrepl logs, and evaluating some huge objects). Marking the PR as draft as I'll want to test out the defuns one...

## Context DSLs and libraries with special semantics aren't uncommon in the Clojure world. Users of those may want some extra highlighting rules, with different faces, that apply to just...