
Results 426 comments of vemv

I verified just now and checked that upgrading to `[org.apache.poi/poi "4.1.1"]` would not break the test suite. was left open because it touches more aspects. I'd suggest creating that...

Probably I'd look into cider.nrepl.middleware.test + cider.nrepl.middleware.test-test directly For example this is the init state: Hope it helps!

Me too :) will get back at it soon.

Right, retest does exactly the following: The most relevant bit being `(test-nss ,,,`. Which contradicts and indeed seems worth fixing.

@bbatsov: I'll create a PR for this one soon.

Thanks for the reply! I see :) Do you find it likely that this feature will make it reasonably soon?

👍 ! I might try things, but before I do, it's worth asking: when you see a `->` token, how do you know it corresponds to `clojure.core/->` and not something...

Hi again! I wonder if you could give a shot to this feature. Currently I'm unable to contribute to OSS due to IP concerns (I might get that fixed at...

Perhaps we can take the same exact approach as, for homogeneity; that one implementation is known to work by now

Does the debugger work for you with a variety of other defns in other projects?