Results 14 issues of V G

When specifying a header option whose value ends with an `=`, `bat` incorrectly interprets that as a query param, even when escaped. ``` ➜ bat GET :8001/v1/me/entity 'X-APIKey:asdfasdfa\=' GET /v1/me/entity?X-APIKey%3Aasdfasdfa%5C=...

Add more examples in examples directory and update Sphinx docs with better examples.


See #29 Connection and channel operations currently lock the connection and wait until the operation is complete. This provides thread safety, but slightly reduces performance in highly concurrent code when...


It would be nice to get this easily working with Kombu.


Need to add support for more authentication mechanisms, such as CRAM-MD5 for Apache Qpid.


It could easily be made twice as fast, and with a little more work, possibly 4 times as fast. Currently, the gunicorn AsyncWorker base is being used. To make it...


The PEP3156 event loop is the interface is Python's standard. The guv event loop should be restructured to implement this interface.


Python 3 doesn't use `fileobject`; everything happens through the `io` module. The read/write methods in those classes need to be patched to allow for system-wide cooperative files. This shouldn't be...

help wanted

Use py.test, and make use of fixtures and `with pytest.raises()`. Most gevent/eventlet tests are valid for guv, but the annoying part is turning them from unittest format into py.test format.

help wanted