Results 36 comments of V G

Currently having the same extremely slow completion as well. Completion taking longer than 5 seconds on a Core i7, Windows 8 x64. Compiled Clang svn trunk with VS2012. Python version...

Thanks for the reply. Windows is a huge pain in the ass as always. Turns out clang was compiled in the debug configuration for some reason, even though I set...

You're teaching people the _wrong_ thing. MD5 should _never_ be used for anything security-related, even in "small" programs. Do it correctly and use something like bcrypt. Your claim that base64...

Thanks, I'll review these shortly and merge them in

Sure! Feel free to contribute whatever you think is best. Any help would be much appreciated! I have to rework the internals of this library to allow for more efficient...

Yes, the library is not at 1.0.0 and the undocumented stuff should be considered unstable. I haven't found a nice and clean way to create consumers short of just doing...

You're right, these two features are not supported. I would like to add support for this, but having difficulty finding the time for it at the moment. The connection string...

That sounds like a deadlock. It's best to use a different connection to publish, but I don't think there's anything wrong with publishing in the same connection in principle. If...

I was in the middle of reworking the underlying concurrency mechanism. Python is not a very friendly language for this kind of concurrency. Supporting gevent properly is tricky as well....

I wanted to rework the connection mechanism. The best way is actually having a separate thread manage the connection itself and poll it for data. The main thread can use...