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midas-3d-depthmap copied to clipboard

Using PyTorch's MiDaS model and Open3D's point cloud to map a scene in 3D πŸžοΈπŸ”­

3D Depth Mapping via MiDaS

Monocular Depth Estimation with a Single Image (MiDaS)


MiDas before and after

Table of Contents

    πŸ“ About
    πŸ’» How to build
    πŸ”§ Tools used
πŸ‘€ Contact


Using PyTorch's MiDaS model and Open3D's point cloud to map a scene in 3D.


  • Entry point
  • Integrates the below 3 functionalities


  • Core logic for depth estimation (depth_estimation/depthmap.py)
  • DepthMapper class responsible for setting up and utilizing a depth estimation model.
  • Loads a pre-trained model (MiDaS model variants) based on the specified accuracy level, performs image transformations, and estimates the depth map from an input image.


  • Handles image processing tasks (image_processing/image_process.py)
  • ImageProcessorclass loads, validates, and manipulates image data.
  • It includes functionalities such as loading images from disk, applying color maps, and displaying images.
  • This class is utilized to handle the input and output images in the depth mapping process.


  • Renders point clouds from the depth data generated by the depth mapping process (point_cloud/cloudrender.py).
  • CloudRenderer class in processes the depth data to generate 3D points and renders them as a point cloud or voxel grid.
  • This visualization helps in understanding the spatial relationships in the scene represented by the depth map.

πŸ’» How to build


pip install -r requirements.txt


When running the model on a chosen image, swap out the PHOTO placeholder with the complete file path and extension of the target image. For the --accuracy_level setting, select an integer from 1 to 3 (where 1 delivers the quickest inference speed but with less accuracy, and 3 ensures the highest accuracy, albeit with a slower inference speed).

python3 main.py --accuracy_level [1|2|3] --input_img PHOTO

πŸ”§Tools Used

pyTorch MiDaS (Monocular Depth Estimation with a Single Image) OpenCV matplotlib



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