
Results 16 comments of Gd7

This fixes the lift bug, but not when EE rounding mode is set to positive which is required to fix another FPU bug (cid running in place during the airship...

settting EE division to chop/zero fixed the lift bug on my end along with the other EE FPU settings i posted

yes up and down, you also dont need to reset the level you can just move forward a bit step on the warp pad and then come back. I also...

this EE FPU config still needs thorough testing to see if it breaks something else.

Setting EE Division Rounding Mode to negative or chop/zero breaks a number of cutscenes, like the one where tidus washes up in besaid beach, and one in the kilika docks...

[Final Fantasy X]( []( GS dumps

the anima overdrive bug is fixed, i also found a new issue and it doesn't seem to be a regression. ![Final Fantasy X International_SLPS-25088_20230107164629]( [Final Fantasy X]( this is...

all of the issues present on 1.7.3871 build are still present on 1.7.4126 the issue with anima seens to occurs when fighting a water flan and dingo in besaid, although...

As of 1.7.4344 the magus sister's box in the top left corner is fixed, but there is still a minor glitched line. Yu Yevon also has a glitched box on...

As of at least version 1.7.4981 yojimbo's flickering cape has been fixed