Valeria de Paiva

Results 53 comments of Valeria de Paiva

I don't think this is helpful. "aspas simples" and "aspas duplas" is more informative, no one knows which one is an apostrophe, which one is quotes. my two cents

Alexandre, nao estou entendendo a proposta aqui. pode explicar? de qq forma espero que voce esteja lembrando que temos muitos verbos de ligacao em PT e que "realizar ataques" devia...

Ainda tendo problemas pra entender essa tabela: o que significa a posicao (-1, 1)=370 ? da' pra produzir a lista pra gente ver o que esta' acontencendo?

> 5358 sugestões de verbos coletadas > podemos ver a lista desses 5358 verbos no infinitivo, por favor?

this is not what I am asking. I'm asking for a list, deduped, of infinitive forms of the verbs. to see if they all at least exist in OWN-P. at...

Votar nessa lista so' vai causar mais erros e ruido na OWN-PT. isso 'e porque, como todo mundo sabe, on verbos mais frequentes de qq lingua sao os mais polissemicos.(algumas...

We have already done this. check the prototype experiments in (Number of words in corpus: 5692. In OWN-PT: 1563. In suggestions: 1301. Missing: 2828.) here you can see the...

are there other kinds of information (e.g subcategorization information) that we can extract from VerbNet.BR?

@arademaker did you check with @claudiafreitas if she's ok with the the theory in Duran, M. S.; Scarton, C. E.; Aluísio, S. M.; Ramisch, C. (2013) Identifying Pronominal Verbs: Towards...

In general I think we should be able to modify nomlex pairs. especially because we want to have other properties of these pairs.