Results 10 comments of Thu Vo

I got error when tried this. ``` package types import ( "bytes" "database/sql/driver" "encoding/binary" "encoding/hex" "fmt" ) // Point represents an x,y coordinate in EPSG:4326 for PostGIS. type Point [2]float64...

I get the same issue [here]( , in case the element is in `ShadowDOM`

I'm also encountering same issue to workaround (for EX: in my case, i'd like to external react/react-dom) - set resolve.alias ``` { find: new RegExp("^react$"), replacement: "[email protected]/esm/react.development.js", }, { find:...

``` import type { Plugin } from "esbuild"; export function esbuildPluginESMExternals({ buildName, externals, }: { buildName: string; externals: (string | RegExp)[]; }): Plugin { const namespace = `ns-esbuild-plugin-esm-externals-${buildName}`; const regexList...

@MilanKovacic hi, I saw your plugin, but what we want here when externals `react` and `react-dom` is exactly only externalize `react` and `react-dom` not `react/*` and not `react/jsx-runtime` also

> @vctqs1 I might change the default behavior of the plugin to not automatically externalize subexports (make it configurable). For now, this can be achieved with the regex / function...

> Thanks for pointing this out. In v5 we had an effort for removing all `default` values for the color prop, but in these components it seems like there is...

> Was able to add scopes via PATCH import-map.json, but can't seem to find a way to clean them up after adding them. Is there currently a solution for this?...