
Results 7 issues of Gordon

*Issue #, if available:* turn allocation taken long time when credential is incorrect. It taken about 10s+ until the local candidate gathering timeout *Description of changes:* 1. add trunStateFailedFn, called...

*Issue #, if available:* *Description of changes:* 1. fix mips compile error when use toolchain mips-gcc472-glibc216-64bit 2. option ADD_MUCLIBC effect to all dependencies By submitting this pull request, I confirm...

The wechat easily exit when pressed esc key in message input box


-> Installing ReactiveCocoa (4.1.0) > Git download > Git download > $ /usr/local/bin/git clone https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa.git /var/folders/np/wz0lj92s0lxbn4rn7d4xqqkh0000gn/T/d20161003-72847-3xqn9h --template= --single-branch --depth 1 > --branch v4.1.0 > Cloning into '/var/folders/np/wz0lj92s0lxbn4rn7d4xqqkh0000gn/T/d20161003-72847-3xqn9h'... > Note: checking...

**Logging** 2022-09-09 06:32:28 DEBUG iceAgentLogNewCandidate(): New local ice candidate discovered. Id: acprUI75O. Ip: 120.*.*.*:32366. Type: relay. Protocol: tcp. **Describe the bug** The protocal of relay candidate which allocated from iceserver...


*Issue #, if available:* 1. when the two endpiont of connecion both are relay candidate, and the ip of local relay candidate is not the same as remote relay candidate....

add GraphPrintTree, can print like this: ```bash dependence tree: ┌── target(int=123) ├── wait(int=123) ├── timeout(int=123) ├── path_string(string=path string) ├── path_strings([]string=[path1 path2]) ├── path_map(map[string]int=map[path1:1 path2:2]) ├── test(*main.Test=0xc0000bc240) │ ├── target(int=123) │...