Vašek Chalupníček

Results 17 issues of Vašek Chalupníček

Hi, I have observed this strange behaviour. Some values does not reach InfluxDB and remains only in Zabbix. See screenshot from Grafana comparing two different sources of the same metric....

I'm using Flask RESTful and I want POST validated using `Flasgger(parse=True)` If $ref is used in schema: ``` parameters: - in: body name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Target' ``` I get:...

I'd like to refer to #4, could someone elaborate on @maxschmeling's > It's built to record rendered frames. So you have to explicitly control the timing. I still think this...

Na kurzu v Bubenci jsou v projektech na seznamy ukoly (7 a 14) na testy a vyjimky, ktere jsme nebrali


It would be great if one can use snow-grafana-proxy with singlestat panel to display number of rows in the result. Currently it's showing one value from the chosen column. ![image](

Hi, initially thank you for the great solution. It would be great to implement this for Python 3 as well. First issue when executed with Python 3 is BaseHTPServer ->...


I have a Sonoff clone called Switch-WF on which I'd like to have custom code, after disassembly I've found BL602 inside. After some fiddling I've found GPIO 8 and how...

## Description In branch `develop-4` using `render_model` template tag ([docs]( throws `'PageAdmin' object has no attribute 'title_frontend_editable_fields'` Error is in file `` It seems that in v4 `BasePageAdmin` class...

needs patch

## Description I'm facing difficulties when using custom middleware for switching languages based on domain name. Inspired by django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware I use `request.LANGUAGE_CODE` to set language (along with translations etc.) When...

needs tests

## Description Add PageUrl handling to CopyLangCommand Currently using copy lang command breaks the site. TODO add tests ## Checklist * [x] I have opened this pull request against ``develop-4``...
