Vašek Chalupníček

Results 7 comments of Vašek Chalupníček

I have forked the repo and redesigned this to use auto-increment columns instead of timestamps. Updating current version to provide both fucntionality had too big overhead as I'm not a...

This somehow relates to #96 and #271 (error is the same). Although I believe these are raised in different routine than this (` - parse_request`). But solution to those may...

holky si stezovaly, tak jsem demonstrative na kurzu prede vsemi zadal issue, at vidi, jak je to skvele :D diky ze jste se toho tak chyli a omlovam se za...

Zname Mu editor Mam to od nekoho z CodeClub, co s tim dela micro:bit, laka me to vyzkouset. ![show real](

Do not use default `launchChrome: true` set it to false according to Then you need to run browser in separate terminal before you execute your chromeless script as described,...

+ po kliknuti na jmeno hodit na zacatek, jak je to ted - to pujde hezky s kliknutim na sloupec a zobrazeni #18 ruznych reseni jednoho ukolu

+ pridat odkaz "zobrazit jako student", pokud mam krome role kouce i roli studenta... (tohle je jen pro uceleni navigace)