Vasiliy Dommes
Vasiliy Dommes
Currently one has to provide custom `mpirun` command each time when running tests, see It would be more convenient to set it once during `./waf configure` call, and then...
`exists(sdp_block_timings_path)` will always return `false` if `sdp_path` is a zip file (not a directory):
There is a test description in comments in [test_approx_objective.xml]( But the files used there do not exist. Also there is no actual test script to run. Need to add a...
1. Support CMake 2. At some point, deprecate Waf Why CMake instead of Waf? - According to the 2022 C++ Developer Surveys by [ISO C++]( and by [JetBrains](, CMake is...
See . The primal form of these problems takes exactly the form of a PMP with constant matrices.
- Test and compare JSON vs binary format - Check performance for #110
We have JSON schemas e.g. for sdpb input files, e.g. [docs/sdpb_input_block_schema.json]( We can use schemas to check correctness of both schemas and serialization code. - [ ] Validate in integration...
See [documentation]( We can [automatically generate]( release notes based on pull requests and their labels.
For some (older?) CBLAS implementations, `CBLAS_LAYOUT` is not declared, which leads to compilation error. Workaround: add ``` typedef CBLAS_ORDER CBLAS_LAYOUT; ``` to `bigint_syrk_blas.cxx` I don't want to add this...