Vasiliy Dommes
Vasiliy Dommes
### Current behaviour Consider the following test structure: ``` TEST_CASE("TestCase-1") SECTION("Section-1") SECTION("Nested-1") SECTION("Nested-2") SECTION("Section-2") ``` If I run test with `--durations=yes` option, then the output looks like ``` 1.000 s:...
If there are several input files for `pmp2sdp`, currently one has to create `.nsv` file with the file list. It would be more convenient to and pass the directory path...
# Repro ## The problem Consider the problem: `maximize -y s.t. 1+x^4 + y(x^4/12 + x^2) >= 0 for all x>=2, and for x=2/3, x=4/3` It has solution `y =...
Currently, `sdpb --version` prints only its own version + Elemental configuration. It should print versions for all libraries, e.g. Boost, GMP, MPFR etc.
This is an umbrella issue for `pvm2sdp`/`sdp2input` formats, naming and other things that could be improved. # TL;DR - [x] #79 - [ ] #78 - [x] #185 - [x]...
In our code, we write JSON manually - this is hard to read and edit. We should use [rapidjson::Writer]( instead of reinventing the wheel. Example of our code:
# Problem Common use case: - User runs sdp2input, it writes sdp to disk - User run sdpb, it reads sdp from disk and runs solver - Intermediate sdp is...
For simple non-polynomial SDPs, there are standard SDP formats, such as `cbf` (see and `dat-s` (see SDPB could support these formats along with their gzip compressed versions, `cbf.gz`...
Currently sdpb binaries are always taken from `build/`, test data - from `test/data`, and temporary output files are written to `test/out/`. It could be useful (e.g. for CI jobs) to...