Vasiliy Dommes
Vasiliy Dommes
> I have no knowledge of WSL. Is the path to `stack` the problem? The path is correct. The problem is that the plugin tries to call this file from...
NB: for stable output, we should process files in a lexicographical order.
Also we should ignore .nsv in this case
Some SDP test/benchmark references from, chapter 5): - (SDPA format) - TRUSS collection Available at [∼kocvara/pennon/problems.html]( (invalid link). Working link (probably the same): - Mittelmann, H.: Benchmarks...
Currently we have a simple (1x1 block) test for `pvm2sdp` and `sdpb`. We also have a non-trivial test for `sdp2input`, but its result is not solvable by `sdpb`, see #38...
> Only the zero at 4/3 corresponds to a saturated positivity constraint, so spectrum should only find that one. Thanks, updated issue description
# SDPB restart `` is reused for SDPB restart, so it makes sense to write it anyway. We can run SDPB with the following options: ``` sdpb --pmpPath=pmp.json ```...
# Distributing PMP matrices and SDP blocks Speaking of performance, there is a problem with distributing the blocks among the cores. ## Current behavior: In sdp2input, each core stores and...
After recent `pmp2sdp` input #150 and output #177 optimizations, IO performance should not be that much of a problem.
@imaneekjana seems that waf cannot find C++ compiler (g++ or clang++). You can specify it by `CXX=/path/to/c++compiler ./waf configure --elemental-dir=/Users/install` As I see from waf source code (see [here]( and...