Valentine Arrieta
Valentine Arrieta
> So I've create an import table : CREATE TABLE qwat_od.hydrant_import AS (SELECT * FROM qwat_od.vw_element_hydrant); and attempted to copy data to view INSERT INTO qwat_od.vw_element_hydrant SELECT * FROM qwat_od.hydrant_import...
For our use, I adapted the action Matthias did for the structure layer in QGEP: ``` lyr = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayer('vw_element_installation20170811111622733') feature = lyr .getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterExpression( 'id = \'{}\''.format( '[% "id" %]'...
Only problem, you can't snap to the construction point to digitize the polygon #246
@haubourg Here a list of the different part_types we have in the ESRI model: bride de raccordement (pièce de raccordement), collier de prise (pièce de raccordement), réduction normale (pièce moulée),...
Here are other interesting value lists from the Geonis Database missing in QWAT: - **valve_type**: Robinet / Vanne avec dérivation - **hydrant_material**: Fonte diamètre inconnu - **pipe_material**: Plusieurs petits diamètres...
Problem temporary solved by @olivierdalang. The script was adapted for windows. It can't be used in production for now due to this issue [#354](
Yes, it is working for the wastewater module. For qgep, you can create the structure and populate the value lists together by using (for example) `qgep_1.5.6-1_structure_with_value_lists.sql`
@ponceta Has this issue been discussed within the technical group ? Is there a workaround that could be use for windows user to setup a QWAT database ? Edit: forgot...
And the issue remain with v 1.4