Had the same error. Was able to fix this by calling `mlflow.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri)` before any call to mlflow API on client side (error caused by mlflow [call]( to `get_tracking_uri()` and getting...
I do have the same problem: ``` ValueError: Dimensions must be equal, but are 4096 and 128 for '{{node Add_101}} = Add[T=DT_FLOAT](concat_22/concat, Add_101/y)' with input shapes: [?,4,?,4096], [128]. ``` when...
Hello Haohe! Thanks for quick reply! If I'll manage to do it quicker, I'll submit PR
Got you, thanks for commenting on this issue. I've reduced batchsize even more and now it's not falling during training.
Probably it is, sorry for late reply, but I'm currently enable to check and fix it, I've stopped maintenance of this project.