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[BUG]mlflow gc command raise exception when serve-artifacts as local file
Willingness to contribute
Yes. I can contribute a fix for this bug independently.
System information
- Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script provided in MLflow): no
- OS Platform and Distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 16.04): Linux Ubuntu 20.04
- MLflow installed from (source or binary): binary
MLflow version (run
mlflow --version
): 1.25.1 - Python version: 3.9
- npm version, if running the dev UI: None
Describe the problem
mlflow gc command raise exception when serve-artifacts as local file
my solution is add code to mlflow/mlflow/store/artifact/mlflow_artifacts_repo.py line 61
# if uri is file, return the artifacts under "./mlartifacts", same fold with mlruns
if track_parse.scheme == "file":
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(track_parse.path),"mlartifacts",uri_parse.path[1:])
Tracking information
No response
Code to reproduce issue
cd ./mlflow-root
mlflow server -h -p 18888 --serve-artifacts
after delete mlflow-runs and under mlflow-root then use
mlflow gc
Other info / logs
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/anaconda3/envs/mlflow/bin/mlflow", line 8, in <module>
File "/opt/anaconda3/envs/mlflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/core.py", line 1128, in __call__
return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
File "/opt/anaconda3/envs/mlflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/core.py", line 1053, in main
rv = self.invoke(ctx)
File "/opt/anaconda3/envs/mlflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/core.py", line 1659, in invoke
return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
File "/opt/anaconda3/envs/mlflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/core.py", line 1395, in invoke
return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
File "/opt/anaconda3/envs/mlflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/core.py", line 754, in invoke
return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
File "/opt/anaconda3/envs/mlflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mlflow/cli.py", line 489, in gc
artifact_repo = get_artifact_repository(run.info.artifact_uri)
File "/opt/anaconda3/envs/mlflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mlflow/store/artifact/artifact_repository_registry.py", line 107, in get_artifact_repository
return _artifact_repository_registry.get_artifact_repository(artifact_uri)
File "/opt/anaconda3/envs/mlflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mlflow/store/artifact/artifact_repository_registry.py", line 73, in get_artifact_repository
return repository(artifact_uri)
File "/opt/anaconda3/envs/mlflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mlflow/store/artifact/mlflow_artifacts_repo.py", line 46, in __init__
super().__init__(self.resolve_uri(artifact_uri, get_tracking_uri()))
File "/opt/anaconda3/envs/mlflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mlflow/store/artifact/mlflow_artifacts_repo.py", line 61, in resolve_uri
File "/opt/anaconda3/envs/mlflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mlflow/store/artifact/mlflow_artifacts_repo.py", line 35, in _validate_uri_scheme
raise MlflowException(
mlflow.exceptions.MlflowException: The configured tracking uri scheme: 'file' is invalid for use with the proxy mlflow-artifact scheme. The allowed tracking schemes are: {'https', 'http'}
What component(s) does this bug affect?
- [X]
: Artifact stores and artifact logging - [ ]
: Build and test infrastructure for MLflow - [ ]
: MLflow documentation pages - [ ]
: Example code - [ ]
: Model Registry service, APIs, and the fluent client calls for Model Registry - [ ]
: MLmodel format, model serialization/deserialization, flavors - [ ]
: MLproject format, project running backends - [ ]
: MLflow Model server, model deployment tools, Spark UDFs - [ ]
: MLflow Tracking server backend - [ ]
: Tracking Service, tracking client APIs, autologging
What interface(s) does this bug affect?
- [ ]
: Front-end, user experience, plotting, JavaScript, JavaScript dev server - [ ]
: Docker use across MLflow's components, such as MLflow Projects and MLflow Models - [ ]
: Use of SQLAlchemy in the Tracking Service or Model Registry - [ ]
: Windows support
What language(s) does this bug affect?
- [ ]
: R APIs and clients - [ ]
: Java APIs and clients - [ ]
: Proposals for new client languages
What integration(s) does this bug affect?
- [ ]
: Azure and Azure ML integrations - [ ]
: SageMaker integrations - [ ]
: Databricks integrations
@BenWilson2 @harupy Can you take a look at this?
Hi @trillionmonster , could you verify these attempts at reproducing this failure and let me know if I'm missing the plot here?
Trial #1:
terminal1: cd ~ mlflow server -h -p 8889 --serve-artifacts
import mlflow
from mlflow.tracking import MlflowClient
from random import random, randint
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
client = MlflowClient()
>> [<Experiment: artifact_location='./mlruns/0', experiment_id='0', lifecycle_stage='active', name='Default', tags={}>]
run_name = "gc_test_1"
with mlflow.start_run(run_name=run_name) as run:
print(f"Artifact uri: {run.info.artifact_uri}\n")
params = {"n_estimators": 5, "random_state": 42}
model = RandomForestRegressor(**params)
mlflow.log_param("param_1", randint(0, 100))
mlflow.log_metrics({"metric_1": random(), "metric_2": random() + 1})
print(f"\nRun info: {run.info}")
# Execute above twice
>> [<Experiment: artifact_location='./mlruns/0', experiment_id='0', lifecycle_stage='active', name='Default', tags={}>,
<Experiment: artifact_location='mlflow-artifacts:/1', experiment_id='1', lifecycle_stage='active', name='gc_test', tags={}>]
exp2 = client.list_run_infos(experiment_id=1)
>> [<RunInfo: artifact_uri='mlflow-artifacts:/1/4152b9895f8045e0af602b2e7bb62684/artifacts', end_time=1652744412469, experiment_id='1', lifecycle_stage='active', run_id='4152b9895f8045e0af602b2e7bb62684', run_uuid='4152b9895f8045e0af602b2e7bb62684', start_time=1652744411081, status='FINISHED', user_id='benjamin.wilson'>,
<RunInfo: artifact_uri='mlflow-artifacts:/1/b17935eb8098467bbe4accd21afdcddd/artifacts', end_time=1652744403790, experiment_id='1', lifecycle_stage='active', run_id='b17935eb8098467bbe4accd21afdcddd', run_uuid='b17935eb8098467bbe4accd21afdcddd', start_time=1652744402413, status='FINISHED', user_id='benjamin.wilson'>]
exp3 = client.list_run_infos(experiment_id=1)
>> [<RunInfo: artifact_uri='mlflow-artifacts:/1/b17935eb8098467bbe4accd21afdcddd/artifacts', end_time=1652744403790, experiment_id='1', lifecycle_stage='active', run_id='b17935eb8098467bbe4accd21afdcddd', run_uuid='b17935eb8098467bbe4accd21afdcddd', start_time=1652744402413, status='FINISHED', user_id='benjamin.wilson'>]
exp3 = client.list_run_infos(experiment_id=1)
>> []
cd ~/mlruns
mlflow gc
cd ~/mlartifacts
mlflow gc
No exception is thrown.
Trial #2
- Start server
mlflow server -h -p 8889 --serve-artifacts
- Log 3 runs to new experiment
- perform cli operations as below:
~ via 🅒 mlflow-dev-env via 🐍 dev-env
➜ ls
Downloads Movies repos
Applications JupyterNotebooks Music miniconda3 universe
Desktop Library Pictures miniforge3
Documents Public mlruns
~ via 🅒 mlflow-dev-env via 🐍 dev-env
➜ ls
Downloads Movies mlruns
Applications JupyterNotebooks Music miniconda3 repos
Desktop Library Pictures miniforge3
Documents Public mlartifacts
~ via 🅒 mlflow-dev-env via 🐍 dev-env
➜ rm -rf mlruns
~ via 🅒 mlflow-dev-env via 🐍 dev-env
➜ ls
Downloads Movies repos
Applications JupyterNotebooks Music miniconda3
Desktop Library Pictures miniforge3
Documents Public mlartifacts
~ via 🅒 mlflow-dev-env via 🐍 dev-env
➜ mlflow gc
~ via 🅒 mlflow-dev-env via 🐍 dev-env took 2s
➜ ls
Downloads Movies mlruns
Applications JupyterNotebooks Music miniconda3 repos
Desktop Library Pictures miniforge3
Documents Public mlartifacts
Trial #3
- Start server
mlflow server -h -p 8889 --serve-artifacts
- Perform cli operations as below:
~ via 🅒 mlflow-dev-env via 🐍 dev-env
➜ ls -l
total 56480
drwx------@ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 11:35 Applications
drwx------@ 7 benjamin.wilson staff 224 May 9 19:22 Desktop
drwx------@ 3 benjamin.wilson staff 96 Apr 25 09:47 Documents
drwx------@ 6 benjamin.wilson staff 192 May 13 14:23 Downloads
drwxr-xr-x 9 benjamin.wilson staff 288 May 16 19:46 JupyterNotebooks
drwx------@ 77 benjamin.wilson staff 2464 May 12 14:56 Library
drwx------ 3 benjamin.wilson staff 96 Apr 25 09:47 Movies
drwx------+ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 10:37 Music
drwx------+ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 10:37 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x+ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 09:47 Public
drwxr-xr-x 15 benjamin.wilson staff 480 May 12 12:37 miniconda3
drwxr-xr-x 16 benjamin.wilson staff 512 May 5 13:04 miniforge3
drwxr-xr-x 9 benjamin.wilson staff 288 May 3 20:44 repos
~ via 🅒 mlflow-dev-env via 🐍 dev-env
➜ ls -l
total 56480
drwx------@ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 11:35 Applications
drwx------@ 7 benjamin.wilson staff 224 May 9 19:22 Desktop
drwx------@ 3 benjamin.wilson staff 96 Apr 25 09:47 Documents
drwx------@ 6 benjamin.wilson staff 192 May 13 14:23 Downloads
drwxr-xr-x 9 benjamin.wilson staff 288 May 16 19:46 JupyterNotebooks
drwx------@ 77 benjamin.wilson staff 2464 May 12 14:56 Library
drwx------ 3 benjamin.wilson staff 96 Apr 25 09:47 Movies
drwx------+ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 10:37 Music
drwx------+ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 10:37 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x+ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 09:47 Public
drwxr-xr-x 15 benjamin.wilson staff 480 May 12 12:37 miniconda3
drwxr-xr-x 16 benjamin.wilson staff 512 May 5 13:04 miniforge3
**drwxr-xr-x 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 May 16 19:57 mlruns**
drwxr-xr-x 9 benjamin.wilson staff 288 May 3 20:44 repos
~ via 🅒 mlflow-dev-env via 🐍 dev-env
➜ rm -rf mlruns
~ via 🅒 mlflow-dev-env via 🐍 dev-env
➜ ls -l
total 56480
drwx------@ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 11:35 Applications
drwx------@ 7 benjamin.wilson staff 224 May 9 19:22 Desktop
drwx------@ 3 benjamin.wilson staff 96 Apr 25 09:47 Documents
drwx------@ 6 benjamin.wilson staff 192 May 13 14:23 Downloads
drwxr-xr-x 9 benjamin.wilson staff 288 May 16 19:46 JupyterNotebooks
drwx------@ 77 benjamin.wilson staff 2464 May 12 14:56 Library
drwx------ 3 benjamin.wilson staff 96 Apr 25 09:47 Movies
drwx------+ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 10:37 Music
drwx------+ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 10:37 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x+ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 09:47 Public
drwxr-xr-x 15 benjamin.wilson staff 480 May 12 12:37 miniconda3
drwxr-xr-x 16 benjamin.wilson staff 512 May 5 13:04 miniforge3
drwxr-xr-x 9 benjamin.wilson staff 288 May 3 20:44 repos
~ via 🅒 mlflow-dev-env via 🐍 dev-env
➜ mlflow gc
~ via 🅒 mlflow-dev-env via 🐍 dev-env
➜ ls -l
total 56480
drwx------@ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 11:35 Applications
drwx------@ 7 benjamin.wilson staff 224 May 9 19:22 Desktop
drwx------@ 3 benjamin.wilson staff 96 Apr 25 09:47 Documents
drwx------@ 6 benjamin.wilson staff 192 May 13 14:23 Downloads
drwxr-xr-x 9 benjamin.wilson staff 288 May 16 19:46 JupyterNotebooks
drwx------@ 77 benjamin.wilson staff 2464 May 12 14:56 Library
drwx------ 3 benjamin.wilson staff 96 Apr 25 09:47 Movies
drwx------+ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 10:37 Music
drwx------+ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 10:37 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x+ 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 Apr 25 09:47 Public
drwxr-xr-x 15 benjamin.wilson staff 480 May 12 12:37 miniconda3
drwxr-xr-x 16 benjamin.wilson staff 512 May 5 13:04 miniforge3
**drwxr-xr-x 4 benjamin.wilson staff 128 May 16 19:58 mlruns**
drwxr-xr-x 9 benjamin.wilson staff 288 May 3 20:44 repos
I'm having the same issue as @trillionmonster. This is my code to reproduce:
Launch server:
mlflow server --backend-store-uri sqlite:///C:/mlflow/mlflow.db --artifacts-destination file:///C:/mlflow --serve-artifacts --host -p 5000
Call gc:
mlflow gc --backend-store-uri sqlite:///C:/mlflow/mlflow.db
I'm running on Windows 10, Python 3.8.10 and mlflow 1.26.1
Had the same error. Was able to fix this by calling mlflow.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri)
before any call to mlflow API on client side (error caused by mlflow call to get_tracking_uri()
and getting default tracking_uri
, which has file
tracking_uri = os.environ["MLFLOW_TRACKING_URL"]
logger = MLFlowLogger(
I encountered the same issue. Make sure your MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable is set and pointing to your tracking server, that solve the issue in my case
Thanks @okoben, setting MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI also fixed my issue.
@okoben's solution works, but it feels very much that an explicit extra argument is needed for mlflow gc
in addition to the --backend-store-uri
Thanks @okoben. It worked.
Set MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI with your MLflow tracking URL. In Linux do, export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=[https|http]://<your-url>
Had the same error. Was able to fix this by calling
before any call to mlflow API on client side (error caused by mlflow call toget_tracking_uri()
and getting defaulttracking_uri
, which hasfile
schema):tracking_uri = os.environ["MLFLOW_TRACKING_URL"] mlflow.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri) logger = MLFlowLogger( run_name=run_name, experiment_name=experiment_name, tracking_uri=tracking_uri )
Hi, sorry but i don't understand how this fixes the problem with the mlflow gc --backend-store-uri sqlite:///C:/mlflow/mlflow.db. In my case I have a backend store in a RDS and an artifact store in a s3 bucket and I can't perform the mlflow gc
@RodrigoCasarCQ what worked for me in order to have gc running correctly was to add MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI
environment variable in my k8s deployment, as:
value: $YOUR_URI
Finally!! It does work.
But another error raised. I can not delete some of the experiments due to this error to this command mlflow gc --backend-store-uri sqlite:///C:/mlflow/mlflow.db:
raise MlflowException(message=e, error_code=BAD_REQUEST) mlflow.exceptions.MlflowException: (psycopg2.errors.ForeignKeyViolation) update or delete on table "experiments" violates foreign key constraint "datasets_experiment_id_fkey" on table "datasets" DETAIL: Key (experiment_id)=(26) is still referenced from table "datasets".
It seems to be a bug on the new "datasets" table.
Glad to hear! So, was it the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI
environment variable missing? (so it's clear for people down the line if that's all you needed to complete your setup, like in my case).
I am not an Mlflow expert but it seems like the operations in the gc transaction are not properly ordered, it seems a bug. I suggest to open a separate issue for that.
Yeah it was! In my case I was trying to use mlflow gc inside the ec2 that acts as a server, setting MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI as my ec2 url. Instead the correct use is to set MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI as the local host:
Hey I am getting this error when i run my Model evaluation pipeline ERROR: main: The configured tracking uri scheme: 'file' is invalid for use with the proxy mlflow-artifact scheme. The allowed tracking schemes are: {'http', 'https'}] I am seeking someone could help me to clear it i am using mlflow version 2.2.2