A little bit late to the party and if still needed, I like to mention that some docker images have been added by me. They're hosted on Docker Hub. Sources...
Same experience here. Added everything to my `MODULES`, but no luck. I always need to unlock via external keyboard. Update: I got it working and have this in my `mkinitcpio.conf`:...
Thanks working on this! I recently ran into the situation resulting in `exec failed: No such file or directory`, because `mako` has been spawned by ` systemd --user` which doesn't...
For packaging it in ArchLinux I did the same as a dirty [workaround](https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/cells-sync-bin-ui-launcher.sh?h=cells-sync-bin).
Yes, exactly.
@ngosang The `/metrics` endpoint which is being scraped and the scraping being configured in the `prometheus.yml` allows to specify basic auth in that configuration. A lot of the exporters allow...