
Results 15 issues of usfshihy

## Changelog: - Added the following new **dynasties** and localized them: - `dynn_Windtotem` - `dynn_Voss` - `dynn_Dawnhammer` - Added the following new lore **characters**: - **[Samuro](** (ID: `samuro_blademaster`) - **[Lady...

lore :books:
localisation :page_facing_up:
priority low :grey_exclamation:
good first issue
history 👑

Hello! This is a part of a longer suggestion I posted since Zumbak asked me to narrow it down. While I know the work on the CK2 version has stopped,...

suggestion :question:
priority low :grey_exclamation:

Hello! This is a part of a longer suggestion I posted since Zumbak asked me to narrow it down. While I know the work on the CK2 version has stopped,...

suggestion :question:
priority low :grey_exclamation:

Hello! This is a part of a longer suggestion I posted since Zumbak asked me to narrow it down. While I know the work on the CK2 version has stopped,...

suggestion :question:
priority low :grey_exclamation:

Hello! While I know the work on the CK2 version has stopped, this could offer some useful suggestions for the upcoming CK3 one. Now I just finished a nearly 30...

suggestion :question:
priority low :grey_exclamation:
balance :balance_scale: