
Results 15 issues of usfshihy

Hello! I have written before a very long post talking about my experience of playing a 40 year playthrough of the Burning Blade clan in Desolace, and while I know...

:question: suggestion :question:
:grey_exclamation: priority low

This is a part of a much larger post I put out earlier. However at the request of a dev, I went out and split it into a set of...

:question: suggestion :question:
:exclamation: priority high
:question: suggestion - localisation :pen:

This is a part of a much larger post I put out earlier. However at the request of a dev, I went out and split it into a set of...

:question: suggestion :question:
:grey_exclamation: priority low
:x: info needed :page_facing_up:

This is a part of a much larger post I put out earlier. However at the request of a dev, I went out and split it into a set of...

:question: suggestion :question:
:grey_exclamation: priority low
:question: suggestion - feature :star:

This is a part of a much larger post I put out earlier. However at the request of a dev, I went out and split it into a set of...

:question: suggestion :question:
:exclamation: priority critical
:question: suggestion - balance :balance_scale:
:x: info needed :page_facing_up:

This is a part of a much larger post I put out earlier. However at the request of a dev, I went out and split it into a set of...

:question: suggestion :question:
:exclamation: priority high
:question: suggestion - balance :balance_scale:

This is a part of a much larger post I put out earlier. However at the request of a dev, I went out and split it into a set of...

:question: suggestion :question:
:grey_exclamation: priority low
:question: suggestion - feature :star:

This is a part of a much larger post I put out earlier. However at the request of a dev, I went out and split it into a set of...

:question: suggestion :question:
:exclamation: priority high
:question: suggestion - balance :balance_scale:
:question: suggestion - feature :star:

This is a part of a much larger post I put out earlier. However at the request of a dev, I went out and split it into a set of...

:question: suggestion :question:
:grey_exclamation: priority medium
:question: suggestion - balance :balance_scale:
:question: suggestion - feature :star:

This is a part of a much larger post I put out earlier. However at the request of a dev, I went out and split it into a set of...

:question: suggestion :question:
:exclamation: priority high
:question: suggestion - balance :balance_scale: