Stefan Zimmermann
Stefan Zimmermann
Hey @gaocegege :) You already have the necessary `git` command and regex defined: But you don't use them. I don't think that many people want to create a GitHub...
Instead of further complicating the `AnnotationBear` with it should first be simplified by using `Pygments` lexers instead of custom parsing for extraction of comment and string ranges from source...
Hi :) I'm new to Rust, but so far I managed to build Servo (on Windows), and after some failed attempts I figured out how to build ServoShell using my...
Hi. I want to contribute **msystem.bat** from my Chocolatey MSYS2 package: It activates and switches **MSYS**, **MINGW32**, and **MINGW64** environments directly in CMD shell, by prepending the according **bin\**...
Just like *coala* itself, the terms *aspect* and *aspects* are just too fundamental to be ever written capitalized :) Also all new API elements in `coalib` containing the term *aspect*...
@hemangsk @sils Wouldn't it be nice...? :)