John F

Results 31 issues of John F

The latest update fixed the padding of bullet points perfectly! Can the same fix be applied for quote tags? The text is almost touching the blue vertical bar line… Thanks!

Currently if no menu items are set, the touch guard appears, and that's it. In my app, I have a situation where I want the FSD to behave as a...


Could you add an Unreveal effect for the touch guard when you close the menu? Will make the transition really smooth. (I assume a reverse animation for the menu items...

feature request

I didn't find an equivalent way of writing "order by RAND()" in the SQL. Is there a solution without involving post-processing of the array result?

In reference to rule: `` Suppose we have this extract: ```text This is a paragraph and those are related items: - Item 1 - Item 2 ``` The above rule...

rule suggestion

After upgrading to Tailwind v2 (with postcss7 compat), requiring this plugin in my tailwind.config.js throws the following error on npm run: ``` Module build failed (from ./node_modules/css-loader/index.js): ModuleBuildError: Module build...

Assume we have a textview with variable text inside. The text can change from 3 lines or up to 20 lines. If we set the duration as let's say 300ms,...

Currently, if we toggle while the view is animating, nothing will happen. In other words, the action is not cancelable until full expand/retract. Can the toggle method support toggling while...


### Feature Description The below make commands support --test and --pest: ``` php artisan make:command php artisan make:job php artisan make:listener php artisan make:mail php artisan make:model php artisan make:notification...

Would it be possible to add an option to make the `--` prefix editable? Currently, this is conflicting with a plugin I have which replaces the `--` with an em-dash....
