John F

Results 31 issues of John F

> java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int' on a null object reference at com.yqritc.recyclerviewflexibledivider.HorizontalDividerItemDecoration.getDividerSize( at com.yqritc.recyclerviewflexibledivider.HorizontalDividerItemDecoration.setItemOffsets( at com.yqritc.recyclerviewflexibledivider.FlexibleDividerDecoration.getItemOffsets( at at$LayoutManager.measureChildWithMargins( The above exception is thrown when...

fb_textFont accepts a string which points to a font in the asset folder. With AS3, we can now use fonts in fontFamily attribute. Add this feature please :) (which saves...

Kindly up the composer req to support PHP v8 Tx

I love how this library replicates Toasty, but one thing it's lacking is the same configuration of each success, error, etc… In Toasty you can do this with: ``` Toasty.Config.getInstance()...

Adding the following macro: ```php Builder::macro('whereLike', fn ( Closure|string|array|Expression $column, mixed $value, string $boolean = 'and' ) => $this->where($column, 'LIKE', "%$value%", $boolean)); ``` Produces the below error due to the...


### Versions: - ide-helper Version: 2.9.0 - PHP Version: 8.0.4 - laravel-tags: 4.0.1 ### Description: Cannot add IdeHelper mixin to model that uses tags from ``` Exception: Call to...


The moment i implemented this library, I always keep getting the message: > External build files have changed since last project sync. A project sync may be necessary for the...

CutCornerView Add an attribute for rounding the cut corners.

This PR resolves #822 It's an issue that occurred since PHP 8 (or 8.1). A minor inconvenience seeing all warning logs for an easy fix.

On PHP 8, we can't pass null to str_replace, it will generate a warning. I'll make a PR to add a null check, which will remove the warning on many...