_In the event this helps anyone else..._ In addition to specifying the device index or name you can also specify `-d` in place, example: `sox -t waveaudio -d output.wav` =...
@neokoenig > using window.tinymce (for instance) is probably bad form... Bad form indeed... like you said, breaks encapsulation. It is too difficult to try and cater for multiple environments from...
Are you talking about: `{ controlButtonClass: "btn btn-xs btn-primary" }` I assume? Touching on my RTE comments, I'd also make this a config. That is, GM ships with two configs,...
@JohnLouderback Might be worthwhile looking at the MutationObserver object to monitor for cut, paste and delete events outside of keyup.
No worries... I may end up writing a patch and submitting a PR for you by end of next week on this issue as I am approaching the need to...