
Results 11 issues of user8547

[ed25519-donna.patch.txt]( I am using ed25519-donna not for EdDSA, but for general point operations using ed25519 curve. I noticed that ge25519_double_scalarmult_vartime() does not correctly finalize the result. If I try to...

"Use -DED25519_INLINE_ASM to disable the use of custom assembler routines and instead rely on portable C." should be: "Use -DED25519_NO_INLINE_ASM to disable the use of custom assembler routines and instead...

Here is T=0 only card that produces SW 0x6E00 on INITIALIZE UPDATE when "OMNIKEY CardMan 1021 00 00" reader is used, while works fine when "Gemalto PC Twin Reader 00...

When a signature container contains an OCSP response that contains validity status of a different certificate serial number than the signatory's certificate included in the signature, DigiDoc4 client shows an...

Would be great if the possibility to configure callback function for certificate path verification was added (similar functionality currently is available for the cert validation in SSL context).

Affects: v2.5.0 During decryption, the "DECRYPT" button is not disabled and can be clicked resulting in double decryption (see the screenshot below). The button should be disabled after it is...

Affects: v2.5.0 The spinner (progress bar) is shown in ID-card related UI windows that actually require action from the user. The spinner sends a wrong signal implying that the app...

Affected: v2.5.0 Under settings, there is an entry "Access to mobile-ID and Smart-ID service". For consistency the text should be changed to "Mobile-ID" (instead of "mobile-ID") or vice versa (to...

Affects: v2.6.2 The FEITIAN reader does not work as expected after using the first time during an operation. Here are the steps to reproduce this issue: 1. After installing the...

Affects: v2.6.2 When using ID card with the app, a message "Loading data from ID-card. It may take up to 1 minute..." is shown. Such warning that "it may take...