Uri Shaked

Results 60 issues of Uri Shaked

`onKeyDown()` is called both on key down and key up events, and `onKeyUp()` is never called...

First of all, Solid is awesome! I have been using it for two days now and I love it. I created a repo that reproduces the issue: https://github.com/urish/solid-start-plotly-ssr-issue The first...

Awesome library. It saved a me couple of hours today!

Perhaps a magnifying glass laid over the TypeScript logo?

help wanted
good first issue

Currently, we simply display a drop down list with all the files and the number of matches: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/892318/40024845-447791d4-57d8-11e8-8b47-b8fb3ee94920.png) When you select a file, it opens and the cursor points at...

help wanted

Thanks for the tutorial, it's very useful! Just giving my vote for the "Generating WASM and using it in Node Modules" chapter you proposed at the end of the JSON...

help wanted

I created a MIDI player in my Arduino simulation especially so I could add this library: https://wokwi.com/arduino/libraries/Midier/Sequencer-Basic-TwelveBarBlues If you want to try it out, just click on the "Start" button...

added a "files" section to package.json to avoid publishing the `examples` directory to NPM

Thanks for creating this library! I'd love if you could add the [Slider](https://mui.com/material-ui/react-slider/) component as well.


Currently, there's no way to free the memory allocated by VirtualNetwork. For instance, the following code will leak around ~100MB of memory: ```go config := types.Configuration{ Debug: false, CaptureFile: "",...