Uri Shaked

Results 60 issues of Uri Shaked

# I'm submitting a... [x] bug report [ ] feature request Seems like the game state is initialized from some spreadsheet, and the initial state read from this spreadsheet contains...

how to

Implement repeated press / long press detection (see #8), including documentation. Real-life usage example of these new methods can be found in the [Arduino Alarm Clock project](https://goodarduinocode.com/projects/alarm-clock?utm_source=github&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=button), where the library...

Hi, Thanks for maintaining this library! I want to use it in an alarm clock example I'm building for [GoodArduinoCode](https://goodarduinocode.com), and for that, I'd need an option to detect long...

implement #49


This should address #36, #61. We also change here the format of the collected types file, so it will be a breaking change.


For instance, skip adding types to `n` parameter of `square` in the following code, as TypeScript can automatically infer this type: ```typescript console.log([1,2,3].map(function square(n) { return n*n; })); ``` This...

help wanted
good first issue

Currently, calling `applyTypes()` adds all the given types to the code at once. If we added support to applying types one at a time, this would pave the way to...

help wanted
good first issue

I'd love if we had an automated test where we instrumented a large JavaScript project with good test coverage (such as [webpack](https://github.com/webpack/webpack)), and then run all their unit-tests and make...

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good first issue

We can run Webpack with a configuration similar to the one in [the README file](https://github.com/urish/typewiz/tree/master/packages/typewiz-webpack), and then compare the collected types json file with a reference one. We can probably...

help wanted
good first issue

I think we could go with a simple test that runs `typewiz-node` against the [example from the README](https://github.com/urish/typewiz/tree/master/packages/typewiz-node#example) and validates the output.

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good first issue