I put together this jsfiddle to show what I mean. http://jsfiddle.net/uz6VF/1/ I'd expect to only see one 'added' displayed but seeing three. I've narrowed it down to this line https://github.com/afeld/backbone-nested/blob/master/backbone-nested.js#L262...
When a user is banned they are only removed from system groups (except Banned Users group) but aren't removed from custom created groups. Is this intentional behaviour? If so, is...
Hi, I was wondering if this is possible to add or is possible today but I'm missing the config area for it. From my understanding the Blocks page not only...
In my quest to bring our custom version of this project inline with the official release, I have one more task to make them the same. Our payload cookie is...
Following on from https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/10410 could this upgrade use async.each instead of async.eachSeries. Is order important in this script? As far as I can tell it isn't but I'm not 100%....
Needs updating to use response:router.page. Will send a PR for it Update: Sent PR - https://github.com/julianlam/nodebb-plugin-session-sharing/pull/110
I have a use case where we need to create the user in the forum database when they login to our website so we can have a forum uid for...
### Description Would it be possible to add a new groups api to check if a user is part of a group or not? (If it already exists please can...
### NodeBB version v3.8.3 ### NodeBB git hash _No response_ ### NodeJS version _No response_ ### Installed NodeBB plugins _No response_ ### Database type _No response_ ### Database version _No...