Francesco Giannelli

Results 49 comments of Francesco Giannelli

well there was already the command snippet just add a local network ``` # Supfile version: 0.4 networks: local: hosts: - localhost commands: env: desc: print env run: echo SUP_ENV...

~~I think comments (`#`) if the config ends with a comment and lines ending with whitespace in the ssh config file make sup hang~~ ah sup hangs because doesn't expect...

Also when using a config file a `run` command is actually run only on one host (?) this is weird

definitions are already cascading, so the last definition takes precedence, targets just fetch the defined commands so they will follow. If a sourced Supfile has collission with another Supfile then...

```yaml # Supfile version: 0.4 networks: test: hosts: - root@localhost:2222 commands: bash: desc: Interactive Bash on all hosts stdin: true run: > bash -l targets: ``` dropbear ```bash docker run...

for me specifying the max size works, I guess scrcpy doesn't like when the device is running a resolution higher than the one the X server is using. I also...

This is how I see it: pulling only the videofeed doesn't make you a viewer. You need to use the twitch website to be a viewer, although it would probably...

this might be related to multithreaded segments download.. as a feature to also help against buffering

this happens when there is not enough bandwidth, when the bottleneck happens you see this behavior where the stream tries to catch up indefinitely even after network conditions have improved,...

mmhh, reading a second time seems like it is indeed a different problem. If you have already disabled hw accel, try disabling kodi colour management