Francesco Giannelli

Results 49 comments of Francesco Giannelli

This should trigger it ```julia import Pkg Pkg.add("Revise") using Revise Pkg.add("Comonicon") using TOML cfg = TOML.parsefile("Project.toml") cfg["name"] = "ComTest" open("Project.toml", "w") do f TOML.print(f, cfg) end mkpath("src/") write("src/ComTest.jl", "module ComTest...

the prompt itself should remain the same, see

can this be extended to allow terminals other than Windows Terminal?

Thank you!, it works fine, maybe you also want an option to pass arguments to the process, shortcuts don't work. Also about the window buttons on top right there is...

For shortcuts I just meant windows `.lnk` files which you can add arguments to. Since as you mentioned windoes-terminal-quake forwards arguments to the terminal, this is not an issue anymore...

.wezterm.lua ```lua local wezterm = require 'wezterm'; local launch_menu = {} if wezterm.target_triple == "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" then table.insert(launch_menu, { label = "PowerShell", args = {"powershell.exe", "-NoLogo"}, }) end return { window_decorations...

The calibre content server has the OPDS interface, but to use it as a replacement for the `metadata` database OPDS is not enough to get the full details, so the...

It would be nice if `SUP_HOST` reflected `Host` and maybe `SUP_HOSTNAME` the actual endpoint from the ssh config `HostName`, but this would break compatibility with existing scripts I think

I don't think I understood what you meant. The point is that sup doesn't escape quotes in the SUP_ENV variable. And since sup (well the go ssh package since sup...