Yuya Unno
Yuya Unno
I fixed the code related to decoding. - In `core.py`, when a double byte data comes, you cannot call `decode` for `data` because `data` only has one byte data. -...
Currently Chainer assumes integers and floating point numbers. Now CuPy supports complex numbers. It's time to support complex numbers in Chainer. - [ ] Support complex numbers in gradient check...
Especially in NLP, we use sparse information such as in `EmbedID`. Its current implementation uses dense matrix to store gradient. When minibatch size is small, almost all elements of gradient...
All member variables of Java clients are initialized with `null`. This patch set default values (e.g. new ArrayList()) of member variables.
When I used `nosetests` command with `--stop` option, I failed to run my test, and it raises an exception. And, I found that `logging.exception` must be called from only `except`...
In crfsuite.hpp, all definition of member functions such as Trainer::Trainer are not inline functions. So, when multiple source files include crfsuite.hpp, the c++ compiler reports duplicated symbols of these member...
The installer shows a message, but installation does not stop.
We need to test with various environments. - [ ] Without c compilers #132 - [ ] With anaconda #176 - [x] When a user installed cudnn both system path...