Homa Wong

Results 151 issues of Homa Wong

### Environment information ```block CLI: Version: 1.7.2 Color support: true Platform: CPU Architecture: x86_64 OS: linux Environment: BIOME_LOG_DIR: unset NO_COLOR: unset TERM: "xterm-256color" JS_RUNTIME_VERSION: "v20.10.0" JS_RUNTIME_NAME: "node" NODE_PACKAGE_MANAGER: "pnpm/9.0.6" Biome...

# Request a feature The maintainers of ArkType will do our best to provide prompt feedback for any feature requests- especially those that are concise and persuasive! ### 🤷 Motivation...

### Provide a general summary of the feature here When creating component documentation, e.g. using storybook, I want to create a story that show the component in various states. For...

### Provide a general summary of the feature here When extending functionality (e.g. doing what I mentioned in [here](https://github.com/adobe/react-spectrum/issues/6403#issuecomment-2116904029)), or composing components in general, it's very often that we will...

```sh TypeError: The "options.context" property must be an vm.Context. Received an instance of Object at Runtime.loadEsmModule (../../node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/jest-runtime/build/index.js:516:20) ``` Getting this error when using `NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules`. It could be a non-issue as...

With `@unional/fixture` and `tmp` So that we can test other cases: - when package.json has the ESM version of `sort-package-json` - it is defined but not installed - package.json not...

### Provide a general summary of the issue here When using the `isOpen` props directly, the `Tooltip` does not position correctly. ```tsx Top End top end tooltip ``` I try...


### Provide a general summary of the feature here Currently the `state.placement` in `className` or `style` callback is a `PlacementAxis`, which only contains `top` | `bottom` | `left` | `right`....

And the docs for `IsNegative` is incorrect.

```sh type-plus:build: src/mix_types/merge.spec.ts(71,6): error TS2345: Argument of type 'boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'. type-plus:build: src/string/is_not_string_literal.spec.ts(305,77): error TS2345: Argument of type 'true' is not assignable to parameter...