Homa Wong

Results 151 issues of Homa Wong

## Description Explain what problem you are trying to fix, and what your changes do in order to fix it. Link related issues or pull requests. ## Checklist * [...

`inquirer`'s `choice` question support this `short` value. Is it possible to use that as the input when doing it through command line? for example: ```js export default function (plop) {...

tsc: 2.2.0-dev.20161116 Discover this behavior from https://github.com/acdlite/flux-standard-action/pull/45/commits/78a9065914b2ca4848dfba8fc0b47c54e2d0e319 This is the original code: ```ts export interface FSA { ... payload?: Payload; ... } ``` However, this does not work well with...

Help Wanted

Right now when typing `#` it will show existing issues on GitHub which is great. But selecting it will insert the issue name along with the issue number. This will...

good first issue

This PR was opened by the [Changesets release](https://github.com/changesets/action) GitHub action. When you're ready to do a release, you can merge this and the packages will be published to npm automatically....

the type checking types will support various options like `distribute`, `exact`. Need to see how to support these options without breaking the inference. Also, may add `IsXXX` for backward compatibility...

The `filter` vs `validate` types are useful only if not modified. Also it promotes bad usage as the `If` enclosed type logic can lead to infinite result due to the...

```ts NumericStruct.Add // ^ fail as input not accepting `Fail` ``` Instead of: ```ts type NumericStruct.Add ... ``` Accept `Maybe` and propagate the error. This will simplify many implementation.

currently, `testType.*` can be used in test directly. e.g.: ```ts it('blah', () => { testType.equal(true) } ``` However, when the tests get complicates or when there are may duplication, you...

Added `StrictArrayType` for the current behavior. The `ArrayType` should accept both array and tuple like `StringType` accept string and string literals. Added `LooseArrayType` for the time being, before the breaking...