Oh yeah I forgot Turbo had added that feature. Yeah, using bytebin to hold it would probably be best.
While I'm fully aware of how non-trivial it is, having checks on all the adventure-deprecated methods (`Player#sendMessage(String)` and such) to see if the caller is a paper plugin or not,...
The only possible way that message will be sent to a player is if they are running the command. As that message is also the "no permission" message for LP,...
There will be an error in console when you get the "An unexpected error..." message ingame. Please send that.
the openGL error is clientside, that's unrelated. Try [updating to latest](https://luckperms.net/download). If that doesn't fix it, see if you can reproduce on a normal paper server. If not, report to...
This isn't really enough info to narrow it down, if you could possibly take a spark when the lag happens, that'd help. However, magma is known to cause issues, and...
> Caused by: java.net.UnknownHostException: sql204.infinityfree.com Either your server is having DNS issues (ensure your server has a stable internet connection), or that domain doesn't exist. Hybrids are also not supported,...
Did some poking around, currently DSRV defaults to listening to `AsyncPlayerPreLogin` at `LOWEST`, which is before LuckPerms loads at LOW. By `PlayerLogin` at `LOW`, LP will kick players if their...
Closing this as a duplicate of #8782. Thank you for your contributions.
Can you please send a `/lp editor` link? Stuff like this is usually a result of your permissions setup (i.e. setting `*` to `false`). *For faster support, try our [discord...