
Results 15 issues of undeadindustries

I went through the old issues to see if any of the old fixes worked. They didn't... Blender works great without primusrun. Other apps work great with primusrun. Here's what...

This might sound like a dumb question. With Denco, is it possible to run a function everytime it hit any route? So if I had something like: mux := denco.NewMux()...

I'm in Ubuntu 18.04.1 with latest amdgpu-pro. For some reason, it's not seeing the GPU. Any advice? Thanks!

I absolutely love Stellar. I've been using it for a while now and only encountered my first issues. Last week, when I used it, my retroarch wouldn't open afterwards. It...

This is a question, not an issue. What would a dockerfile need to look like to make this into an app engine instance? https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible With a custom config. Thank you!!

I googled so much and installed so many libs before submitting this. I'm trying to compile on Ubuntu 18.04 on WSL. I keep getting: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lwebkitgtk-3.0 sudo apt-get...

Any chance this can be updated to latest WxWidgets? There are a few Windows 10 specific bugs that I'm running into that I'm reading are fixed in 3.1.3. I tried...

Is it possible to create a SetColLabelRenderer so I could put a checkbox in a grid? Or, would it be possible to extend wx.Grid to add that feature? Thank you!

I'm not sure why my modules aren't working. env: WSL linux, yaf(latest), php 7.2 routes in conf: ``` application.dispatcher.defaultModule = Default application.dispatcher.defaultController = FirstRun application.dispatcher.defaultAction = Index routes.firstrun2.type="rewrite" routes.firstrun2.match="/" routes.firstrun2.route.module...

How to extend Yaf_Controller_Abstract from the library/MyApp folder, from another namespace? I'd rather have all my libraries in one folder application/library/MyApp. If I try: namespace MyApp; class MyAppControl extends \stdClass\Yaf_Controller_Abstract...