
Results 6 issues of uloeber

Dear Ryan, thanks for developing Bacsort. I'm trying to run it on a bunch of genomes from isolates and cluster_genera.py fails every time, but I can't interpret the error. Do...

Hi Luis, I currently get an error I cannot trace back and our IT doesn't know what's the issue either. I am running a job on one of our huge...

extend the list of recognized patterns for paired reads (eg. R1/R2) or include optional space holder syntax for paired-end sequencing

Dear Torsten, it seems that a conflict occurs since blastp/makeblastdb v 2.10 since the perl routine recognizes 2.10

HI, is there a way to install pyrad without root access? If yes, how to do it??

**Description** Unable to fetch singularity container **Steps to Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: ``` singularity pull library://rpetit3/bactopia/bactopia FATAL: Unable to get library client configuration: remote has no library client...
