Ulf Aslak
Ulf Aslak
When clustering big networks using the Python API, I often find that the process of creating the network (adding links by `for` looping over my edge list and inserting them...
The `minkowski.cc` file is more or less a copy of [this example](https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_72_0/libs/polygon/doc/tutorial/minkowski.cpp) provided by boost.org. It should state attribution.
Commonly I will have some code like the following: ```Python # Setup tn = tc.edge_lists() tn = num_nodes tn = list(range(num_timesteps)) tn = num_timesteps # Add edges conditional on criterion...
This PR adds a time varying coefficient for the intercept. It's near-identical to #598, except it does not add support for time varying media contributions (this, we will add later)....
So I noticed this while working on #628. I was getting [a failing test here](https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/actions/runs/8734692111/job/23965893602#step:5:736). An assertion in `test_new_data_predict_method` raised an exception. It compares the mean of a fixture `toy_y`...
The old teal nodes are starting to hurt my eyes slightly. @benmaier do you have any suggestions for a new default layout? I'm thinking something black and simple along the...
* Label size (float) * Label text color (float) * Scale with node size (bool) * Background box alpha (float [0,1]) * Background box color (hex) * Background box bevel...