Ulf Aslak

Results 30 comments of Ulf Aslak

Phew! I really needed this feature. Was quite exciting reading through the comments starting 6 years ago and finding that it had finally happened by 2020. Good job @liabru !

No. But could you not install pip within your environment using conda, and then install netwulf with that version of pip?

> the node attribute radius is now called size. Ulf, could you explain why you chose to rename this? I like radius because I know what it means because it...

We could make it optional? Most users won't care. So default is hack-scaling (as in v0.1, most users won't notice) and optionally you can do precise but slow rendering, one...

Since the visualization is launched on a local server *different* from the one the notebook is running in, I'm pretty sure it's not possible to do this in a Colab...

This is a reasonable feature request. I think we will implement in the [next version of Netwulf](https://github.com/benmaier/netwulf/tree/version-0.2).

It because a drag event is unavoidably also a click event in d3. I tried fixing this a while back but dropped it because of more important issues. The easy...

I see. You want to substitute a mouseclick for an 'L' click?

But like in [webweb](https://github.com/dblarremore/webweb), could we not have a feature "Save to HTML" that creates a standalone html file which people can put in their keynote presentations and web-based research...

@benmaier what do you think? I'm leaning a bit to the "this is not general enough and may annoy more than benefit the general user"-side. @jonimatix we did at some...