
Results 176 comments of Thomas

I understand this is not the correct way to import another nix file, but I think it this is still a relevant bug.

That's interesting. I used to have a file called [`hive.nix`]( which would import configuration for different hosts. Not sure how idiomatic it was, but it seemed to work well enough.

FWIW the `gazelle:resolve` directive fixed things for me. ```starlark go_repository( name = "io_opentelemetry_go_otel", build_file_proto_mode = "disable", build_directives = [ "gazelle:go_visibility @io_opentelemetry_go_otel_metric//:__subpackages__", ], # keep importpath = "", sum = "h1:8WZNQFIB2a71LnANS9JeyidJKKGOOremcUtb/OtHISw=",...

This is because QRious renders to a canvas. There are two options to resolve this: 1. Resize the canvas to match the new device pixel ratio on page size change....

I'm not opposed to this as long as it's fully client-side. It should be easy as @SEAPUNK said to use local storage. Convenient, even. There would need to be some...

This is a little better as of v0.2.0, but there is some ways to go for instrumentation.

Continuing from this - the cookie solution seems kind of nice, as path attributes can be specified.

There is a second part to this, and that's cleaning up files. Kipp used to delete files by using an interval for which the database would be queried for expired...

I had noticed that as well. It's also baked into the HTML. I was considering using go generate to build these assets but it would get quite complicated. The files...

Hah, interesting. It's definitely more complex than I first imagined. I wonder how editors like `vscode`, `atom`, `Goland`, etc. handle this case? `sublimelsp` is the only project I've noticed this...