Yingli Zhou
Yingli Zhou
Hi @moold , I attached the log file of `ls cns_align*/cns.filt.dovt.ovl|while read line;do echo $line;/data/software/NextDenovo/bin/ovl_cvt -m 1 $line|head -5;done > check.log` [check.log](https://github.com/Nextomics/NextDenovo/files/6309830/check.log)
Hi @moold , I run nextgraph with each `cns_align*/cns.filt.dovt.ovl` file. I find `cns_align(02/03/04/08)/cns.filt.dovt.ovl' with Segmentation fault error.
Hi @moold The running time of each subtask is about 50 days. Can I rerun them in parallel or modify some settings to accelerate? The command in one subtask is...
I use the cluster to run it. Each node has 256G RAM and 28 cores. So I think RAM is not a problem.
I run each subtask in the different nodes. If the RAM is not enough should I set `-I` smaller?
Will the smaller `-I` and `-t` significantly increase the time-consuming?
Hi @apetkau , I solved it by changing the pathway of mysql database. I want to know how can I set the identity and coverage for filtration in orthomcl-pipeline. Hope...