
Results 42 issues of u1ps

Current options: "0" - High "1" - Medium "2" - Low Add negative value as highest option "-3"- Very High 0 ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d2ccb87e-38f3-4327-8da9-2b5261d8ce2d) -1 ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/3d47260c-ff25-4086-9a9f-e7359c69e0b2) -2 ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/4257b98d-d91d-46a3-973f-2a686779d23e) -3 ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/52b6dce5-d016-4786-9c55-452d273751f4) -5 ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/e2b315db-3bc0-4651-8de3-41ef61dc9343)...

P3: Normal
💡 Feature
cat: mod UI


🐞 Bug
P3: Normal
cat: mod QAGAME
cat: mod CGAME

Progressbar disappears once body starts falling through ground but the stealing uniform can be continued without visually showing the progression.

🐞 Bug
P3: Normal
cat: mod CGAME

drawing numbers for com_maxfps to not show stutters. Numbers change so fast that it is impossible to detect micro stutters from that view (Momentary fps drops /spikes). This is a...

P3: Normal
💡 Feature
cat: mod CGAME

Crosshair spread sizing while moving/firing update rate seems to be smaller compared to monitor hz (144 in test). Result is not smooth but stuttering sizing. https://fileport.io/bECzAFwS43Cr

🐞 Bug
P3: Normal
cat: mod CGAME

When there are close to 50 players online. Every 5 secs there will be spike in lagometer. Depending on activity in server these spikes can cause a delay / microstutter....

🐞 Bug
P3: Normal
cat: mod QAGAME

Example: 1 cvops is stealing uniform and then 2nd one comes and finishes the progress on last tick. 1 cvops left empty handed and 2nd cvops got uniform skipping the...

P3: Normal
💡 Feature
cat: mod QAGAME

Give option for player to check rate value in realtime. Either numerical or graphical implementation. To detect the moments when this value would hit the cap. This is another value...

P3: Normal
💡 Feature
cat: mod CGAME

![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/ffea1b17-e559-4cb3-a93b-004c5603246b) ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/e4c4693b-0920-4803-9628-fc3aa7d59abc)

P3: Normal
💡 Feature
cat: mod CGAME