Grenades disappear under terrain, sometimes landmines are placed in a way that only a tip can be seen, medpacks - sometimes barely top of the object can be seen, hard...
Floodprotection works on choosing class and weapon. Choosing weapon too fast after selecting class does not select the weapon properly 
Here is one example of live stats: 5 deaths / 1 self kill. So it is 6 deaths in general. In addition falling to death or any form of self...
Current one can be confusing and i bet a lot do not know exactly what is the meaning of the colors :D So here is one possible simple solution to...

HUD editor is complex enough to deserve whole tab for it and also there are players who ask where is it how can i open it? Maybe they will find...
Let know which spectators are afk. Something like this is working in ET Jump
Enable seeing health bar and name of medic targeted by view camera when waiting for revive
Right now in Legacy camera shakes/stutter quite badly when player is on rotating vehicle. From tactical perspective this creates a situation where u want to avoid being on vehicles because...
When u do not collect prestige points (do not reset XP). Region Hits info is lost and swapped by Collect prestige button. Might be possible to just use the upper...