Fujiwara Takuya

Results 133 issues of Fujiwara Takuya

cc: @thinca Ref. https://vim-jp.slack.com/archives/CLKR04BEF/p1629386264089200


https://github.com/JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring/issues/12 - Add `g:caw_integrated_plugin` - Add `caw#update_comments_from_commentstring()`

Related #160 ## Problem 1. Typing `gcaTODO` to append comment at the end of line (`// TODO`) 2. Undo (`u`) 3. Comment `// ` still remains ## TODO 1. Typing...


Related #159 ## Problem 0. (repeat.vim was installed) 1. Typing `gcaTODO` to append comment at the end of line (`// TODO`) 2. Repeat (`.`) 3. Only `TODO` was inserted ##...


ref #26 ## gc$ (comment) ~Currently hatpos keymappings are linewise. They should work also characterwise-ly.~ ~I think this should be controllable by global variable. Because some users don't like this...


Currently `gcc` (by default, if `(caw:prefix)` is not mapped by user) is mapped to `(caw:hatpos:toggle)`. https://github.com/tyru/caw.vim/blob/037fb8d67dcdbdb1ecc9765856dcc6718ae332e9/plugin/caw.vim#L139 But I want `gcc` mapping to be smarter: Detect which comment action should current...


For below static method, ``` java public static int add(int i1, int i2) { return i1 + i2; } ``` Create template comment like below: ``` java /** * @param...


#39 and #69 can be merged and creating 'comment' submode should be more usable. ref. https://github.com/kana/vim-submode
