@jmcombs would you mind putting some documentation in this issue until they update the wiki? Would be very helpful :-)
@acazacu were you able to find a workaround to get dns_gcloud working with pfsense?
+1 We have been having the same issue for a while, see this ticket https://github.com/dweeves/magmi-git/issues/348 We've heard nothing back so far regarding this issue. Hopefully we will hear something soon!
Same issue, only a problem on Android devices, ios works normally.
@dglsparsons yes, this can be closed. The issue was as you described, the first deployment pushes to production and preview, which was a behavior I was not expecting. Thank you...
I tried the solution above, but then I get an error: ``` DOMParser is not defined ``` Have you gotten this error and if so, how did you resolve?
Per a discord message, I saw that ionicons had an updated version, I put this in my package.json and the DOMParser error is gone: ``` "ionicons": "6.1.1", ```